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Martina Smith
Nov 21, 20221 min read
Psychology Locus of Control
Just Another Random Spark Locus of control is a psychology concept detailing the extent in which people believe they have control over...

Martina Smith
Nov 21, 20222 min read
Karen Horney's Psychoanalytic Ideas
Just Another Random Spark Karen Horney’s psychoanalytic ideas are built on the assumption that social and cultural conditions,...
Martina Smith
Nov 21, 20221 min read
Existential Needs
"Existential Needs" include Relatedness, Transcendence, Rootedness, Sense of Identity and Frame of Orientation. Relatedness is when an...

Martina Smith
Nov 21, 20221 min read
Abraham Maslow
Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of needs consist of; Physiological: Safety: Self Esteem: Self-actualization: Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of...

Martina Smith
Nov 13, 20222 min read
The Adlerian Theory
The Adlerian theory is a comprehensive approach to psychology that emphasizes the importance of overcoming feelings of inferiority....

Martina Smith
Nov 7, 20222 min read
Everyone Rides The Carousel
Everyone Rides The Carousel Erik Erickson; Erick Erickson's chief contributions to personality theory is his emphasis on the ego....

Martina Smith
Sep 20, 20221 min read
Catapulting Into the Mind of a Genius....
Sigmund Freud was an Australian Neurologist best known for the evolution of theories & psychoanalytic techniques. A concise inclusion of...

Martina Smith
Feb 5, 20221 min read
The Inner Connection Between Spirituality, Philosophy & Psychology
Bridging spirituality, philosophy & psychology, the evolution to an infinite potentiality. A conversationalist's open invitation toward...
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